News / Nunn Road / 2015 / December 2015
We are at the end of the year again. How have the children grown after a year, 2 years or 3 years in Nania? I can only say that these children have grown and shown us their amazing abilities, creativeness and energy under our Nania’s roof.
Those who have spent a year at Nania have overcome their separation issues. They now ask to stay on a little while longer after dismissal time. They have grown familiar with the daily rhythms and become capable of changing and taking care of their own belongings, eating on their own and helping to set up tables for lunch. After having their birthday celebrations and enjoyed them so much, they are looking forward to their birthday celebrations next year! They often have ‘birthday celebrations’ while playing inside the classroom and outside at the sandpit. They have tried their very best during festivals’ presentations and their participation has improved with each passing festival. They make some good friends and eagerly play together. They enjoy every minute of their time together during the creative play time.
The children who have been here for two years have grown more capable, comfortable with their environment and started to organize play every day that they are together. They are better at organizing because they imitate the games played by the older children. They turn the dividers into aeroplanes, cars or motorcycles, use blocks to build castles and zoos and flat boards for vehicle tracks. They decorate their ‘houses’ built from dividers with cloths in rainbow colours. They also use colourful yarn as drapes for the windows. Others use the same yarn to make ‘pizza’ which they cook as they take orders to serve in their ‘restaurant’ Blocks are cut up to be served as onions, carrots and other types of ingredients. They used dividers to build tunnels and collect tickets from those interested to crawl into their tunnels.
Many activities are created and experienced each day as these children use their creativity in their play. After lunch the big children are busy with reading and writing. Then, the 5-year-olds take over and initiate creative play in the class with the younger ones.
When they are in the garden, they compete with each other in the running games. They also join in the thematic games that are organized by the big children because they are good at taking instructions now. Some have picked up the skills of climbing trees which they couldn’t do last year.
After changing, these children fold their soiled clothes neatly and put away their personal belongings. Sometimes they hang around the tables watching the ‘ko-ko’ and ‘che-che’ do their written work and I am sure they are looking forward to be the next big children in the class and to do all that the big children are doing.
Those who have been here for 3 years (some may be less) and recently graduated have spent another year with activities that mold and guide them to be the upright and caring children that we know they will become. They spent a lot of their time with their peers weaving, doing artistic activities, skipping as well as learning to read and write. They guided and worked alongside the younger children in the class tasks, served the younger children who sat together with them during lunch and led the younger children in the festival performances. They always stood upright, spoke clearly, recited poems rhythmically and sang melodiously. They learnt to keep their surroundings neat and clean. When they are out in the garden, they learnt not to pluck leaves and flowers unnecessarily and excessively while making dyes. They learnt to be in tune with nature by throwing unused leaves and branches into the compost. They always included the younger children in their play, got ice for them to soothe their injuries, brought tissues to wipe away their tears and held their hands whenever we went somewhere. They set good examples for the younger ones to follow and the cycle repeats itself year after year.
At Nania we structure our activities rhythmically to include artistic activities, creative plays, simple house chores, story-telling to enrich the soul and exciting yearly festivals to look forward to. Children learn order and rhythm by adapting to these familiar routines till it is time for them to move on to primary school.
When playing together, children are bound to have some issues and misunderstanding. We will then call for group meetings to find solutions to the issues and once the children have accepted the guidance given by the teachers, they are kind and considerate enough to hug and make up. Forgiveness works like magic in their world.
The growing up process varies with every child. However I am glad to be given the chance to guide many children as they blossom and become confident in everything that they do. When they leave, they miss us and ask for an opportunity to return for a visit.
Likewise, the 5 children who graduated this year are all capable and confident children who are able to take on the challenges that the next phase of their life journey will bring. They are very positive and are looking forward to go to the ‘big school’.
The Christmas Celebration on the 11th Dec (Friday) will mark the last day of school for the year 2015. As part of our preparation, we have placed a “Star Window calendar” in the centre of the display corner. Each day before lunch, the teachers will invite one child to open a calendar window while two others will each take out a gnome and a wooden animal and put them on the display table. This year we are decorating the ‘Christmas tree’ at the display corner with stars coloured by the children during the morning artistic activity. Please remember to bring their stars home after the day’s celebration.
Every child will have a chance to perform this ceremony until all the windows are open. When the last window is opened, it signifies that it is time to celebrate the Christmas festival at Nania. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family on 11th December.
In 2016, the English class will welcome a new assistant teacher and she is Teacher Yen. Teacher Elina has decided to resign and her last day with the children will be on 11th December. The English class children have grown to love her and they will miss her. We take this opportunity to wish her all the best in her future undertakings.
Teacher Yen loves children very much. Prior to joining us, she did volunteer work with the special needs children at ACS on top of her normal office work. She is in her late twenties and energetic so she can be the eldest ‘che-che’ to all the children.
I wish to take this opportunity to wish everybody Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.