News / Nunn Road / 2022 / July 2022
Dear parents,
After waiting for so long, finally we could celebrate the Lantern Festival with parents in Nania’s garden again. We were so glad that almost all the children attended that festival. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.
The class was already in the festive mood a few days before the festival. We had been praying for good weather on the day before we started to rehearse our singing and dancing. A day before, children were busy making small paper lanterns to decorate our garden.
On that morning, children made dango, a Japanese desert that was served as snack during our festival. We hope you enjoyed it. After the lunch, children helped to tie plastic bags on chair legs to protect them from damage.
The children also helped to hang the small paper lanterns in the garden. The garden became alive with the colourful lanterns and that set the festive mood. We could feel how eager the children were for the event.
We were glad that all the children came on time in the evening. They were trying their best to perform in front of the crowd. We were glad to see the big children stood up confidently as they recited the Hokkien poem.
Some children couldn’t join us on that evening, so we did a Little Lantern Festival in the class when they were back to school. Young children who were shy on that evening could perform better when we celebrated the festival in the classroom as the atmosphere is cozier for them.
Enclosed with this newsletter is the song sheet for coming festivals. We will sing the songs and recite the poems after holidays.
Children made their painting bag last few weeks. We collected their paintings and drawings for them to bring home. We enjoyed to see each of their master piece that reveal their developments and inner growth. Please take note that some of their drawings were given to friends as birthday gift or farewell gift. You may use their paintings as decoration on wall, fold them to make card, paper bag, or photo frame. Keep their drawings for years and you will be amazed how they change from time to time.
The term break is just around the corner, we wish all the children happy holidays. Please spend more time in the nature and limit their screen time. We encouraged children to help for some simple households e.g. fold cloths, wash dishes and clear up their toys. We hope they will have a wonderful time with you during their holidays.
Teacher Thian and Teacher
August 2022 Activities
5th (Fri) We celebrated of J’ Ern’s 4th
8th (Mon) We celebrated Little Lantern
(Tue) We celebrated Olivier’s
birthday. He turned 4.
(Thu) We celebrated Khai Jynn’s
3rd birthday.
12th (Fri) We
bid farewell to Vyok Hyen. He is going to join International school.
15th till 19th Nania’s Term Break. We re-open on the 22nd of August
29th (Mon) We
will celebrate Myles’s 3rd birthday.
30th (Mon) We
will bid farewell to Olivier and Austin. Olivier will join other kindy while
Austin will join International School.
(Fri) Merdeka
Day holiday
September 2022 Activities
16th (Fri) Public Holiday – Malaysia Day
21st (Wed) Mooncake Festival with the children
at Nania. The children will make their
own mooncakes and bring them home to you.
We will eat mooncakes and other delicacies during snack time. The
children will also bring home their paper lantern. The hanger for the lanterns
will be made by the 5 and 6 year-olds.
Others -Tien You will join us on 22n
Aug. He is turning 3.
Craft circle will meet on the 9th September (Fri).