News / Nunn Road / 2016 / June 2016
June is nearing its tail end and with the half year gone, I am glad to observe the closeness the children‘s rapport with each other. They have bonded well with one another and play creatively together. When the class is over, they reluctantly say goodbye to one another and usually want to just hang around together a little bit longer in the class.
Teacher Doreen has gotten to know the class children well and the children are also turning to her for help when they needed their little pain soothed with some “magic’ ointment. They include her in their creative play and ask to sit with her during lunch.
I have been absent during lunch as I am fasting during the puasa month. Teacher Stella has left us to take care of her grandson. As such, Teacher Sherly the new kitchen assistant is sitting with the children during lunchtime. I often check with her on the children’s progress and I am glad that the children have started to get to know her and continue to eat well.
Some parents have also gotten to know each other well and have started to plan some outings together. Their children shared with me some exciting tales when they got together over one weekend to gather shellfish at a beach.
Currently, the children are preparing their own lanterns for our coming Lantern festival and practising songs, poems and dances in the class. We enclosed herewith a step by step guide on lantern-making in case you might want to make them for their siblings.
We look forward to seeing you and your family on the evening of 21st July (Thursday).
Tanabata will be celebrated on the 5th of July. So I am trying to find out and write down the wishes of the children to hang on the bamboo branches for them to bring home to you.
Lately we have observed that many children have been coming late to Nania. Please try your best to send them on time so that they don’t be late for the morning artistic activities or miss them altogether.Teacher Nora