News / Halaman York / 2015 / March 2015
We are sure that your child told you about the new born baby rabbit in Nania. This new life is like a symbol of ‘Spring’ that has come to Nania’s garden. The garden is now blooming with colourful flowers too. We will celebrate Easter [New Life] together with children.
At Nania, we celebrate Easter as a form of new life being born. In the case of flowers, new life starts from the bud which sprouts and grows. With chickens, for example, new life begins when chicks hatch from eggs and grow into adult poultry.
During our New Life celebration, the children will colour eggs in the morning and then watch a puppet show performed by the teachers. The main story line is the transformation of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly to reflect our celebration of new life.
In the story, a young girl befriends a caterpillar. But alas one day, she is unable to find the caterpillar. On seeing her plight, a friendly rabbit takes her to a beautiful garden where she sees a beautiful butterfly flying about. The rabbit tells her that her caterpillar friend has now transformed into that colourful butterfly. At the end of the puppet show, the children will recite an Easter poem which is in the song sheet enclosed with this newsletter.
After that, the children will begin to hunt for the big and small eggs (peanuts) in the garden. The eggs are hidden by the kitchen staff during the puppet show. The eggs that they find will be given to the kitchen staff to be served for lunch.
At the end of the day, they will bring home the eggs that they coloured that morning. Please ask them about the day’s activities when they reach home.
We are having a week break and we wish the children and you ‘Happy holidays’. Teacher Chithra &
Teacher Kerry