News / Nunn Road / 2023 / March 2023
Our three graduated children have now settled into their new school. A girl contacted us and told us she missed all of us. We wish all the best for their future undertaking. Some of the graduated children like to visit us during their school holidays. We are glad that children have wonderful memories of Nania and are happy to come back whenever they can.
Two boys and two girls are now taking up the roles of big koko and big jie-jie in the English class. They helped to pack the lunch box during our Bento Day. They were proud of themselves for having accomplished this special task. They are also eager to learn during the afternoon big children’s class.
We also welcome two new children into the class. Eugene is a 4 year old boy, and Qian Ru is a 3 year old girl. Bethany’s brother, Gideon, will join us soon. He is turning 3.
The children started to practice for the Sports Day. We join the Japanese class to practice together. Children are happy to mix around with the Japanese class children. They also play well together during outside playtime.
We have finally started Nania’s Facebook! Please find us at ‘Pusat Jagaan Nania’ and share our post to promote the ideas of Nania. We care about these tender years, that have important effects for the rest of children’s lives, as our slogan says, ‘Childhood Development for Life’.
Teacher Thian and Teacher Ang
of New Life (13th April 2023)
At Nania, we celebrate Easter as a form of new life being born. In the case of flowers, new life starts from the bud, which sprouts and grows. With chickens, for example, new life begins when chicks hatch from eggs and grow into adult poultry.
During our New Life celebration, the children will colour eggs in the morning and then watch a puppet show performed by the teachers. The main story line is the transformation of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly to reflect our celebration of new life.
In the story, a young girl befriends a caterpillar. But alas, one day, she is unable to find the caterpillar. On seeing her plight, a friendly rabbit takes her to a beautiful garden, where she sees a beautiful butterfly flying about. The rabbit tells her that her caterpillar friend has now transformed into that colourful butterfly. At the end of the puppet show, the children will recite an Easter poem that is on the song sheet enclosed with this newsletter.
After that, the children will begin to hunt for the big and small eggs (peanuts) in the garden. The kitchen staff hides the eggs during the puppet show. The eggs that they find will be given to the kitchen staff to be served for lunch.
At the end of the day, they will bring home the eggs that they coloured that morning.
April 2023 Activities
(Mon) K-Ra’s 4 years old
birthday celebration.
(Wed) Tyler’s 5 years old birthday
(Thu) Celebration of New Life (Easter)
with our children at Nania.
(Wed) Hari Raya celebration
(Fri) Craft Circle (for big
24th (Mon) Public Holiday Replacement (Hari Raya
*Nania’s holiday will be the same even if government changes the Hari Raya holiday.
Others :
Water Play will be on the 28th
(Friday). Kindly prepare your child or
children’s swimsuit and a big towel if you want them to participate in water
Please replace toothbrushes every
2 months. Kindly do so if you haven’t changed your child’s toothbrush in the past
two months.
From April onwards, Nania News
will be distributed in digital form. A PDF file will be sent out via WhatsApp
News from Craft Circle
The Craft Circle activities of Nania will resume in April. Children who are aged 6 and above are welcome to join us. Craft Circle participants enjoy making different crafts and learning new skills like sewing, folding origami, etc.
The first session will be on 21st April. Our activities will be held on Fridays from 4.15pm till 6pm. Children who join April’s craft class need to prepare a 3R photo, as we will make a photo frame.
The fee per session is RM50.00 and there is a RM14 hourly day care charge for those who stay back for craft class. The total is RM64.
Girl's Day Celebration
Bento Day