News / Nunn Road / 2022 / May 2022
Dear parents,
May was a happening month for us at Nania. We celebrated the Boy’s Day and Mother’s Day earlier and recently we had the memorable Sport Day.
Boy's Day
Mother's Day
During the First Part of Sport Day, children did their performance and dances indoor. We are glad that the big children of Nania overcame their shyness and showed their confidence while doing the “Kumi Taiso” movements. Although they didn’t watch their predecessor ‘ko-ko’ and ‘jie-jie’ present these movements last year, they could mastered the movements and were excited to show small children their skill on Sports Day. Later, they also guided the small children for the movement.
We were thankful that it was not raining that morning we had our Part Two in the garden. The children ran and played all the games tirelessly. The garden was filled with their laughter and their faces were shone like the sun. The children must have felt proud to receive origami medals from the teachers and the end of the day.
We missed parents’ attendance in our Sports Day/Family Day, we used to get a chance to know the children’s family members better when they joined our Sport Day. Parents and siblings joined the children for some games and we had fun together. However, we hope that you could feel our excitement through the photos and videos. Hopefully we could have festival together with parents in the near future.
Last week, we found a bird died peacefully in the garden. We took that opportunity to show the children how we could respect life. Uncle Kim, the driver, helped us to dig a hole in the garden. Teacher then put the bird in the hole. Children plucked the flowers from our garden and gave them to Mr. Bird. We prayed:’” Mr. Bird, we hope that you are happy in the heaven now.”. We also prayed for him to rest in peace. Maybe some of your children would have told you about this experience.
Meanwhile, the corn seeds that the children planted has sprouted and grow taller day by day. The children are amazed at how fast the corn plants are growing. Soon, they will be taller that the children.
Last month, we celebrated Mothers’ Day and this month we will celebrate Fathers’ Day. Our mother and father are our first “teachers” in our lifetime. They play an important role in shaping who we are today. We wish all the fathers happiness and health. Happy Fathers’ Day!
We encourage all the children to bring a cap or hat for outside playtime as the weather is getting hot. Please remind your child to bring their hat or cap every day. Some small children can’t recognise their belongings. Please write their name on their belongings i.e. towels, hats, shirts or dresses, pants and underpants.
Soon we will break for a week and I wish you a wonderful holiday with your child/children.
Teacher Thian and Teacher Ang
June 2022 Activities
2nd (Thu) We will celebrate Bethany’s 5 years old birthday.
3rd (Fri) We will celebrate Hugo’s 3 years old birthday.
6th -10th Term break. We will re-opens on 13th
17th (Fri) Father’s Day celebration. Each child will prepare a card and fold an origami
flower to bring home to his or her father.
New friend
Kai Jynn will join us after the term break.
She is Jordan’s sister and she is turning 3.
Craft circle will meet this month
on the 24th. Kindly let us know if your 6-year-old child wishes to
join the craft circle.