News / Halaman York / 2016 / May & June 2016
We are almost at the end of our first school term. By now, all the children have bonded well and grown fond of each other. They also have developed their own “preferred” group of friends to play with. Although the children may sometimes quarrel, they usually make up after a few minutes. Through these daily activities, they learn how to give and take while playing with friends.
All the experiences during a child’s first seven years become the foundation that shapes the later part of their lives. Hence, let us work together to love them unconditionally. For example, when it is time to put away the toys before dinner time but the child refuses to co-operate, we could always gently remind him that since mummy has prepared delicious food for everyone, it would be great if all the play things were quickly put away so that the family can sit down to enjoy the meal together. If we threaten the child instead with words like “If you don’t clear up, then you don’t eat dinner”, we impact them negatively.
Everything we do in the presence of the child goes in deeply. Scolding, threats, and yelling do not help in disciplining young children. This approach may actually weaken their ability to deal with similar situations later in life. They get a little shock from these experiences. If these shocks occur regularly, children create barriers to protect themselves.
If we scold with anger and frustration, the child does not really hear the message because he/she erects a barrier against the anger we are emanating. The barrier prevents his/her from perceiving our message. What the child learns is to express anger, distance themselves from others, and preach at those who displease them. Therefore, when they are home, please resort to use more creative ways to discipline them.
Very soon we are going on a two-week break. We will have our work cut out for us to thoroughly clean everything in the classroom after some renovation work. We want to welcome back all the children in good health after the holidays. So, happy holidays to everyone!
Teacher ChithraHarvest Festival