News / Halaman York / 2015 / September 2015
Thank you for sharing a wonderful evening with us at Nania’s garden for our Lantern Festival. Earlier in the day we were doubtful whether it was possible to hold the festival outdoor due to the haze. Fortunately, our prayers were answered as the haze lifted and there was also a little shower of blessing just before the lantern walk. Turnout was higher than usual. We are truly glad to know from your responses that you enjoyed the evening with us and the children. The cheerful grandparents, uncles, aunties and siblings present on that day and made the day merrier. The enthusiastic performance by the children is encouraging. The young ones did very well for their age. We want to thank everyone who kindly helped with carrying chairs and equipments. Our sincere thanks also to fathers who helped taking care of traffic flow.
We would like to also share our experience of “The Healing Power of Speech” workshop we attended during the school break in Kuala Lumpur. It was held for 5 days and there were about 40 participants from throughout Malaysia. We were energized and have started applying what we learnt to the children. A key point we picked up was that a powerful way to educate the Imagination of the children is through the INSPIRED voice of the teacher. Speaking well is important. Speech formation promotes greater understanding, beauty and clearer communications. It strengthens our memory and sense of well-being. Speaking well to children increases their health, life-forces and joy of learning.
After the Lantern festival, the 2 big children are now preparing for their graduation ceremony. After their daily afternoon lessons, they are decorating their musical instruments with colourful crepe papers. As for the smaller children, they have also rehearsing with the big children as well. They are also busy drawing beautiful drawings which will be bound into souvenir books for graduating children.
Teacher Chithra & Teacher Kerry
Longan Tree