News / Nunn Road / 2012 / April 2012
Everybody was inconvenienced when Nania was directed to close by the Ministry of Health when some of the children came down with the Hand, Foot and Mouth virus.We thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We are glad that all the children are fine now and have rejoined their friends after being away for more than 10 days. Nevertheless, we’ll continue to monitor the situation closely and seek your cooperation to let your child stay at home when they are not well.
Contagions like ‘lice’, should be dealt with immediately too and we appreciate it if you could keep us informed so that the appropriate action can be taken at once.
To ensure the welfare of the children in, we sterilized and put everything in the classroom in the sun for a few days during the break.
When the children came back, we were pleased that they were able to recite their Easter poem well as they were looking forward to the Easter celebration.With the help of a clear sky, they happily went egg-hunting in our garden that day.
A mother who joined us for her child’s birthday celebration was impressed that our children follow instructions sung by the teachers instead of verbal instructions whenever we needed them to be ready in a circle, drinking water, toilet time and etc.We practise repetitive rhythms in the class so that the children know exactly what to do according to the daily schedule. They organize themselves when they know the rhythms and as such it is important to have the same repetitive rhythms when they are at home with you.
The next event is the Sports/Family day. We enclose the day’s programme for your perusal. We look forward to a wonderful time with you and your family on that day. Teacher Nora