News / Nunn Road / 2013 / January 2013

Teacher Kerry and I are happy to welcome back all the children who have returned to Nania.  We had 5 new children join us on the first day of school.  These children were eager to come to Nania and so adapted quickly to our daily class rhythms since they have had the advantage of attending our Saturday playgroup group where they have grown familiar to the space and similar rhythms.

They sit down easily to begin the daily artistic activities, play actively during playtime, join in the songs and movements during circle time and listen attentively during the story time.

So the 1st day of the school went by smoothly. We loved the happy chatter of all the returnees who had missed each other for 2 weeks during the year end break.

After the morning artistic activity, the children would immediately launch into their creative play.  I observed that the 5 year-olds this year are active and creative and able to play imaginatively during their free play time. One minute they are on their self-constructed vehicles of chairs and dividers inviting their smaller friends to join them to go on a journey to somewhere; another minute they are off to a secluded house decorated with colourful cloth playing ‘masak-masak’; or walking their pet dogs and cats while asking some smaller children to help keep an eye on their ‘babies’.

They always want more time when they play and are reluctantly to stop. However, they happily help to clear up when it is time to do so.  When they are outside in the garden, there is a lot of happy laughter coming from them

The 6 year-olds have started their afternoon literacy time.  They are eager to do what they have seen the big children do last year.  With their nimble fingers, they have also started to weave during their free time.  

Now all the children are gearing up by earnestly practising the poems and songs for the coming Chinese New Year Festival. I look forward to seeing you and your family on the 7th of February (Thursday) and attached herewith is the programme for your attention.

All of us at Nania would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family ‘Gong Xi Fa Cai’.
Teacher Nora

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