News / Nunn Road / 2024 / March 2024

今年はナニア27年史上初のSunflower classとBlueflower classの卒園式を合同でしました。



また、今年はChinese New Yearの本園のお休みも長く、練習期間が1週間半程しかない中、卒園児達は精一杯練習に励んでいました。日本語と英語を交互に話したり歌ったりしなければいけなかったので、みな大変だったとは思いますが、卒園児達だけで練習をしたり、時には個別で練習をしたりなど、できる限り時間をとり頑張りました。




*New Life Festival(新しい命のお祝い)(Naniaでは、Easter のことをこのように呼んでいます。)を当初の4月16日から19日に変更させてください。お手数ですがどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。







·  友達と  心をつなげて  頑張った

·  ノームさん  守って下さい  愛し子を

·  ナニアにて  出会いし子たち  たからもの

·  出会いとは  明日へ向かう  たからなり

·  たくさんの  やさしい思い  ありがとう

·  いつかまた  再会の日を  夢に見て

·  愛し子へ  贈る言葉は  ありがとう

·  皆さんの  笑顔を胸に  いつまでも

·  離れても  心と心  つながりし 


*5日(金)Hari Raya のお祝い

*6-14日 ハリラヤのおやすみ

*17日(水)そうた君 6歳のお誕生日会

*19日(金)New Life Festival(新しい命のお祝い)

*25日(木)はるちゃん 6歳のお誕生会

*26日(金)年長さん クラフトクラス(スパイダーウェブ)



ご希望の方は、週初めにクラフト代RM 64を払っていただいています。(クラフトクラスRM 50, 1時間のデイケア代RM14)クラスが終わるのは         6時ごろで、希望者の方はお送りします。その時、RM5を運転手(ナニアの先生)に払ってください。

New life Festivalについて










This year, for the first time in the 27-year history of Nania, we held a joint graduation ceremony for both Sunflower and Blueflower classes.

This year, the enrollment ceremony for Malaysia's public primary schools is in March, close to primary enrolment of the Penang Japanese School in April. Both classes had practiced together for their graduation. There was much more interaction than in previous years. Which lead us to decide to have a joint graduation ceremony.

In previous years, when one class had its graduation ceremony, the other class would have the day off. We had to adjust roles for the children and organize a new program for a 2 class graduation ceremony. We held many meetings and rehearsals to make these adjustments. 

Furthermore, this year's Chinese New Year school holiday was longer, leaving us with only about a week and a half for rehearsals. The graduating children worked hard during rehearsals. They had to alternate between speaking and singing in Japanese and English. However, they practiced well together as a group and sometimes individually, making the most of the time available.

There are many 3- 4-year-old children this year, and they sometimes had trouble focusing during rehearsals. However, during the actual ceremony, having their mothers and fathers present helped them perform their best. They received roles such as presenting graduating children artwork, resulting in their best performance we've seen so far. We are so happy it went well.

We are truly grateful to all the parents who warmly supported us. We hope it was a memorable experience for everyone involved.

The older children have already started weaving. Everyone is picking it up quickly and making good progress. Some of them are already close to finishing their first piece.

Please note that we've changed the New Life Festival from the original date of April 16th to April 19th. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.

The soybeans we planted during the recent bean-throwing event are growing well, and we now have plenty of edamame. The children seem delighted to touch and water the edamame plants.

*Once again this year, birds have made nests in the garden. There are two nests. Although we can't see any eggs yet, we often see the mother birds flying busily around. We're looking forward to what comes next.

A friendly reminder for parents

Regarding cartoon images on clothing or toys. We encourage children to say ‘Goodbye’ to cartoon characters at the gates of Nania, so they understand that cartoon characters live outside of Nania. This is so that they can concentrate on their own human nature and activities while they are here as well as build their imagination independent of media induced cartoon fantasy, especially during their drawing and creative play time.

For clothing, we encourage comfortable clothes without cartoon or oversized wording and logos or glitter sequins. We discourage children from bringing toys from home. Please check their bags before they come to Nania.

Some younger children still cannot recognize their things when mixed with their friends’ things. Kindly write their names on their things such as towels, hats, and clothes.

April 2024 activity

5th (Fri)  Hari Raya Celebration

6th-14th  Hari Raya Break

17th (Wed)  Sota’s 6th birthday Celebration

19th (Fri)   Celebration of New Life (Easter)

25th (Thur)   Haru’s 6th Birthday Celebration

26th (Fri)   Craft Circle (Making the spiderweb: 4.15pm-6pm)

News from Craft Circle

We will resume Nania’s Craft Circle activities in April. This will be held once every month on a Friday from 4.15pm to 6pm. Our first session for 2024 will be held on 26th April. 

Children aged 6 and above are welcome to join us. We will be learning new skills such as sewing and making more complicated origami as well as making different crafts.

The fee per session is RM50 and there is an hourly day care charge of RM14 for those who stay back for Craft Circle. The total would be RM 64.

Celebration of New Life (Friday, 19th April 2024)

Another part of our yearly rhythm at Nania, is celebrating the sanctity of new life. With chickens, new life begins when chicks hatch from the eggs and grow into adult poultry. A recently built bird nest has been spotted in one of our trees. We hope Mama bird will soon lay eggs in it so the children can witness this forming of new life!  In case of plants, new life starts from the seed, which sprouts and grows into beautiful plants. The children already sown soybean seeds during the Bean Throwing Day. They will eventually provide some edamame for lunch!

During our New Life celebration, children will colour eggs in the morning before they watch a puppet show performed by the teachers. The story is the about the transformation of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly to reflect the beauty of new life and its maturation to a beautiful being.

In the story, a young girl befriends a caterpillar. But alas, one day, she is unable to find the caterpillar. On seeing her plight, a friendly rabbit takes her to a beautiful garden, where she sees a beautiful butterfly flying about. The rabbit tells her that her caterpillar friend has now transformed into that colourful butterfly!  At the end of the puppet show, the children will recite a New Life poem.

After that, the children will begin to hunt for the big and small ‘eggs’ (peanuts) in the garden. The kitchen staff will hide the ‘eggs’ while the children are engrossed with the puppet show. The ‘eggs’ that they find will be given to the kitchen staff to be served during lunch.

At the end of the day, they will bring home the eggs that they have coloured that morning.

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