News / Nunn Road / 2002 / No.E2 28. Feb. 2002
Dear parents,
I wonder if your chile starts to tell story at home. I found it really enjoyable when children joined in the story telling espcially the rhythmic parts i.e. "stop little pot, stop!" , " No, I won't open the door, not with my chinnie, chin, chin."
It was the first time that I told the same story for 2 weeks and I found that they carried the story better this time. And on the last day of the second week we acted out the story. One day your child might tell you a bed time story !
<Ring a Ring O' Roses>
Ring a ring a roses
A pocket full of posses
A-ti-sho A-ti-sho
We all fall down.
#Joining hands ansd forming a ring, any number of children dance round and round singing. At the words "We all fall down" let go of hands and fall on the floor. Then, rising, the game begins again.
<Finger play>
Five Little Mice on the Pantry Floor,
Hold up fingers of right hand
Seeking for bread-crumbs or something more;
Five little mice on the shelf up high,
Walk fingers of right hand over backs of lefthand fingers
Feasting so daintly on a pie -
Make "O" touching fingers and thumbs of both hands for pie
But the big round eyes of the wise old cat
Touch fingers and thumbs of each hand separately
See what the five little mice are at;
Quickly she jumps ! -
Lower left hand suddenly
but the mice run away,
Right hand disappears behind back
And hide in their snug little holes all day
" Feasting in pantries may be very nice;
But home is the best ! " say the five little mice.
Home: Hands folded before you, right in left
<Cherry Pip>
I found a little cherry pip !
I put it in the ground.
And then when I came back again
A little shoot I found
And the shoot became a branch
And the branch became a tree
And now I pick the cherres for tea